Acting ethically and responsibly - POSTGroup
Acting ethically and responsibly
By integrating the most rigorous governance standards, our goal is to demonstrate ethical and responsible behaviour towards all of our stakeholders every day.

Setting an example
The general demand for more transparency and accountability from businesses is becoming increasingly pressing in society. POST operates in a highly regulated environment in each of its businesses. On a national level, POST Luxembourg is subject to no less than five supervisory bodies. In addition to complying with the law, the company strives to inform its employees through training and awareness campaigns on behaviours to be adopted or avoided.
- At POST Luxembourg, 100 % of Board meetings are communicated to employees.
- A Code of Conduct sets clear rules for all POST employees in order to put the company’s ethical values into practice. It has been revised to integrate the reporting procedure in accordance with the Whistleblowing Directive, transposed into Luxembourg law in 2023.
- An Ethics Committee is responsible for ensuring the application and updating of the Code of Conduct as well as dealing with any cases of non-compliance referred to it. This Committee operates according to a policy of confidentiality and impartiality. It independently reviews each report of a breach, and also handles professional alerts.

Mobilising our suppliers around our challenges
POST regularly works with numerous service or equipment suppliers. The Group verifies the integrity of its partners, in particular to guarantee respect for human rights throughout the supply chain, but also with a view to mobilising them around the sustainable development targets we have set. Human rights requirements are specified in a Supplier Code of Conduct, which forms part of the general purchasing conditions.

Integrating the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
In September 2023, POST Luxembourg, POST Telecom and the subsidiary LuxTrust signed the Pacte national Entreprises et droits de l’Homme. The signing of this pact constitutes a major step in POST’s commitment to human rights, strengthening its determination to promote ethical and responsible practices, both internally and throughout its value chain (particularly with its suppliers).

Taking account of stakeholders’ interests
Guaranteeing the sustainability and long-term viability of a company involves not only seeking financial and non-financial performance, but also taking into consideration the interests of all of our stakeholders. By maintaining an open dialogue with our customers, our employees, civil society, our shareholder, our partners and other economic players present in our ecosystem, the challenge is to protect their rights and contribute to meeting the interests of as many people as possible.

Controlling risks
POST develops essential activities for maintaining the vital interests of the population and the country. Aware of this responsibility, we constantly strive to identify risks with a view to protecting ourselves against adverse events that could have an impact on the quality and continuity of our services.

Supplier Code of Conduct
The Procurement Department has developed a code of conduct to promote purchasing and subcontracting in line with POST Luxembourg's CSR approach.
View the Annual Report
Discover how POST creates value for all our stakeholders and Luxembourg, as well as the CSR approach that is embedded in all our activities.